Heather Stewart, Finance Supervisor
814-827-5300 Extension 310
The Finance Department supervises and controls the accounts of all city departments. At City Council’s request, the Department suggests plans for management and improvement of City finances. The Finance Department presents the annual budget to Council for adoption. As part of the budget process, annual appropriations and the tax rate are set.
Other responsibilities include oversight of bills paid by the City, proper and appropriate investment of City funds, reporting of policies of insurance and bond coverage, and filing annual DCED reports. The Finance Department works closely with the Treasurer and City Controller to ensure proper accounting principles are followed and financial reports are complete and accurate.
Request Form 1095-B by email or call 814-827-5300 ext. 310.
Transparency in Coverage Rule link

Annual Budget

Each year at the last stated meeting in November, the chief fiscal officer shall, on behalf of council, present to council for introduction a proposed budget ordinance. The proposed budget ordinance shall show the estimated receipts, expenditures and liabilities for the ensuing year, with the balance of unexpended appropriations and all other information of value as a basis for fixing the levy and tax rate for the next fiscal year.
Council shall, upon introducing the proposed budget ordinance, fix a date for adoption, which shall be not later than December 31 of that year.
When the proposed budget ordinance is submitted to council and has been introduced, the city clerk shall immediately make the proposed budget ordinance available for public inspection at the city clerk’s office and shall publish a notice to that effect once in a newspaper of general circulation in accordance with the provisions of section 10109 (relating to publication of notices).
Annual budgets and budget messages can be viewed at the links below.
Financial Audits

The independent auditor of the city shall conduct an annual audit of all accounts of city officers, departments and offices which collect, receive and disburse public money or are authorized with the management, control or custody of public money on which the independent auditor is required to report under this sub-chapter.
The annual audit, as directed by council, shall also include any accounts subject to examination by the city controller.
Yearly audit reports can be viewed at the link below.
Year-End Financial Reports

The chief fiscal officer shall countersign all documents, in the form approved by council, authorizing payment from the city treasury. The chief fiscal officer or other official or employee of the city designated by council shall have charge and keep a record of accounts, under appropriate titles, to show separately and distinctly the following:
(1) All of the assets and property vested in the city.
(2) All trusts in care of the city.
(3) Debts owed by the city.
(4) All of the receipts and expenditures of the various departments.
Year-end financial reports can be viewed at the link below.