Titusville City Manager
The City Manager is appointed by City Council and is chosen solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications with special reference in, or knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of the Office. The City Manager is the Chief Executive and administrative official of the City. The City Manager shall execute all laws and ordinances of the City.
City Manager: Neil R. Fratus
​814-827-5300 Extension 314

City of Titusville Departments
Lorrie Cubbon
814-827-5300 extension 315
The City Services Department Staff can answer your questions concerning your Account, Bill, Payment Methods, Water Conservation, and how to check for water leaks. City Services (water/sewer/refuse) are billed monthly.
Douglas J. Thompson
814-827-5300 Extension 305
Our City Treasurer is an elected official, with the term of the Office being 4 years with no term limit. The public is invited to contact the Office with questions, concerns, or just a better understanding of the City's Treasurer's Office.
Scott Brown
814-827-5300 Extension 311
The Public Works Department is responsible for the Operation and Maintenance of the City's Infrastructure, including public roadways and water and sewer distribution systems. Public Works includes the Water Works and the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

City of Titusville Departments
Dustin D. LeGoullon, Commissioner
814-827-5300 extension 354
The Titusville Police Department are sworn Police Officers committed to protecting the citizens of Titusville. The Officers are well trained in all aspects of Law Enforcement and diligently strive towards providing the best service possible.
Dustin D. LeGoullon, Commissioner
814-827-5300 Extension 324
The Titusville Fire Department proudly provides fire & rescue services to the citizens of the City of Titusville. Two (2) firefighters are on-duty 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Tim Russell
814-827-5300 Extension 313
The Code Enforcement / Zoning Department is responsible for the Enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance as well as the codes that deal with Building Construction, Renovations, and Property Maintenance. All permits are issued in accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code by Construction Code Inspectors, Inc. Submissions to the Zoning Hearing Board are processed through this Department.

City of Titusville Departments
Eric Mitchell, Health Inspector
814-827-5300 extension 314
The Health Inspector ensures businesses are abiding my health and safety laws.
The City of Titusville is home to nearly 122 acres of recreational property which includes 6 parks, 15 ball fields, 8 soccer fields, 3 sand volleyball courts, a 400 meter community track, baseball/softball batting cages, BMX race track, skate park, tennis courts, walking and bike trails, a new splash pad/water park. A variety of facilities located at these sites are available to rent.
Heather Stewart, Finance Supervisor
814-827-5300 Extension 310
The Finance Department supervises and controls the accounts of all city departments. At City Council’s request, the Department suggests plans for management and improvement of City finances. The Finance Department presents the annual budget to Council for adoption. As part of the budget process, annual appropriations and the tax rate are set.